Thank you for helping save Moki
We are pleased to announce that Amy Shojai, perhaps most well known for
CoAuthoring the book, "Chicken Soup For the Cat Lovers Soul," recently did an
article on Moki.
If you would like to view the article, please stop by Amy's blog at While you are there, please give Amy a hand for helping to
spread the word about Moki. Thanks everyone!
Recent Articles Written About Moki:
For those of you who haven’t yet heard, a fraternity just for cats has
been born. Phi Theta Gatos! Membership into the new cat fraternity
is open to everyone, male and female alike, and joining is very
simple. Just follow these three easy steps:
Step One: Visit and donate $10.00
Step Two: E-mail with your headshot
Step Three: Place the custom created badge you receive from
Feline Direct on your website or blog.
You can be proud of your membership into Phi Theta Gatos, for you
have supported a good cause. All membership fees go directly
towards supporting a cat living with an undiagnosed neurological
disorder, Moki! In addition to receiving a custom made badge to
place on your website, exclusive video footage of Moki and Cecil,
prior to it’s release on either’s website or blog, you will also be
entered into cool contests, where prizes can be won, invited to cool
members only Frat parties, and make a lifetime of friends!
Phi Theta Gatos is a great way for us all to hang out together and
get to know one another better. So join today and stop missing out
on all the fun! We’ll see you there!!!

Save Moki is holding a drive to recycle your used electronics. The
money raised from the drive will be used to help cats in need.
Here's how it works:
Gather up all of your old, no longer used cell phones, inkjet
cartridges, digital cameras, MP3 players, Nintendo DS Lite,
Nintendo DS Original, GameBoy Advance, GameBoy Pocket, Sega
Gamegear and Sony PSP handhelds. Talk to your friends,
neighbors and family members and ask them to round up theirs as
well. If you work in an office, ask them about how they dispose of
their used cell phones and inkjet cartridges. Gather as many of
the electronics listed above as you can, from whatever sources
you can...
Once you have gathered a good amount of the used electronics
listed above, email us at We will then
send you a prepaid FedEx label. After receiving your prepaid
FedEx label, simply package up the items and call FedEx to pick
up your package. It's that simple! What a wonderful way to help
cats in need while saving the environment!!!
Did we forget to mention that one single cell phone, if improperly
disposed of, “can pollute up to 132,000 liters of water!” Thats a lot
of water, so why not get started helping cats and the environment

Help Cats and Save the environment too!
The Cat Frat!