Thank you for helping save Moki
This is Rudy. Rudy is
one of Moki's special
friends. Rudy was
diagnosed with upper
eyelid entropion.
Fortunately for Rudy, he
found a very special
home. You can learn
more about Rudy, his
special needs and
everything his pawrents
have done to help this
little guy out by visiting
his website at
I would like you all to meet
Cagney. Cagney is Moki's
guardian angel. If you would
like to learn more about
Cagney please visit his
Catster page at:
We'd like you to meet Moki's fur family and friends:
Moki's fur family:
Bandit A.K.A Orange Boy, is
Moki's only brother. He is the
biggest cat of the bunch, and
the most passive. Bandit suffers
from IBD which we treat with
Smokey, A.K.A. Mini
Munch, is Bandit's
biological sister. She
suffers from some form of
dwarfism, and thus has not
grown past the size of a
7mth old kitten. Other than
being a runt, Smokey has
no known health problems.
We adopted Lucy with Smokey
and Bandit. She was a year old at
the time of adoption and suffered
from play aggression. Lucy's play
aggression would have lead to
Lucy's euthanasia had we not
rescued her. We quickly learned
that Lucy's had given birth to a
litter of kittens shortly before
entering the shelter. As a result of
losing her own babies she took to
the little ones, Smokey, Bandit
and Moki, and has raised them as
if they where her own. Hence her
nickname is Momma Cat.
Little Kitty was found
roaming the parking lot as
a kitten, half starved, with a
hurt leg, where one of her
beans worked. We
discovered that the bone in
Little Kitty front right leg
was twisted. The doctors
where never able to tell us
if this was a result of a birth
defect, or accident prior to
finding her. Because of the
injury to her right leg, Little
Kitty is unable to use the
claws of her right paw. She
usually gets around quite
good, and only seems to
have trouble with her leg
giving out on her in the
winter time when arthritis
sets in.
Sissy is a formerly feral
kitten my boyfriend
rescued prior to us
meeting. Other than  
being overweight, she
has no known health
Moki's Friends: (More coming soon)


Awards we have received:
Award received from
The Cat Realm
Award received from
Meaouwy Troops
Meet Cecil the Cougar!
Cecil is the brain child
Feline Direct  and  
Phi Theta Gatos - "The
Cat Fraternity."
To learn
more about the fraternity
and the benefits of
membership simply sign up
for the newsletter written by
Feline Direct.