Thank you for helping save Moki
We would like to give a special thanks to the following people who have helped us to
help Moki:
* A special thanks to the Cat Blogosphere
The Catster Community
Artsy Catsy

"Where Fifteen formerly feral felines
train their human artists to create gifts
for cat lovers!"
* To Bonnie for scanning Moki's medical
records and making them possible for the
world to view.
*To Marleen, in memory of Oscar. Marleen
and Oscar have helped so many in so
many ways!

Karla K.
Eloise S.
Eleanor W.
Amy B.
Kathleen C.
Maggie S.
Emma C.
Nanci L.
Darlene C.
Marta G.
Carrie B.
Cheryl P.
Oana P.
J P Q.
Russ E.
Karen A., Gypsy & Tasha
Kristina A. and Cecil the Cougar,
Colleen M
Karen J.
David M.

Ori K.
Stephanie H.
Tara M.
Peggy M.
Marlys W.