If you didn't have a
cat to wake you up
in the middle of the
night, how would
you know how much
you had enjoyed
- Susan Sturgill
Welcome to:
If you or someone you know has another special needs cat and
you are trying to raise money to cover their medical costs,
please let us know. We would be more than delighted to share
your story and or link to your website here...
Moki received the following email from Happy Cat Adoptions.  If you can
help  "Tap the Till for Tampico" please visit their website at
(Here is Tampico's story as told to Moki in an email we received yesterday:)

"Tampico is a special needs cat and we at Happy Cat Adoptions
(www.HappyCatAdoptions.org) are raising money to fund his surgery.

This is not a life-saving surgery, but it's important to Tampico. Tampico is
young, perhaps two years old, but at some point in his young life, he may
have been hit by a car. His jaw is broken and his right rear leg is dangling.
The jaw healed, and he can eat and groom, so no surgery is needed there.
However, the tendons in his leg need to be re-attached. He limps, but gets
around fine right now, so Happy Cats had three choices: amputate the leg
now, before problems start, allow him to go up for adoption as he is, with the
understanding that later in life, he may develop problems in the joint, or do
the surgery.

We did not want to amputate a perfectly good leg just because we couldn't
afford the surgery. We also didn't want to adopt him out to people who may
face a much more extensive surgery in the future.

The orthopedic surgeon predicts that without surgery to re-attach the
tendons, Tampico may develop severe and painful arthritis in the joint, since
it is somewhat free-moving right now. At that point, the leg may need to be

The surgeon has given Happy Cat Adoptions a wonderful discounted fee. But
Tampico is the second hit-by-car kitty we've rescued in the last few months,
and having to pay for a couple other surgeries recently for rescued cats, and
being a small organization, we are out of funds for anything that is not

That's why we've begun to ask people to "Tap the Till for Tampico" and
please, to donate something toward his surgery so he can find his forever
home. You can see photos of him, download a flyer (so you can spread the
word), and view his video by searching for Tampico (using the search
function from the top tool bar) at www.HappyCatAdoptions.org. You can
donate from the home page by clicking the PayPal button and marking your
donation "Tampico."

We appreciate it, and Tampico REALLY appreciates it!"


The following message was posted on Catster.com. Is there anyone out
there who knows about this disease? If so can you please contact Marta.
Here is a link to her post:


Hello everybody,

I'm new to this board. My name is Marta, I'm writing from Italy so please
excuse my English!

I'm a member of a board similar to this one in Italy (it's all written in Italian, but
here it is: www.micimiao.net/forum) and I'm looking for help for a cat called
Attila, whose owner has been a member of the same board for years. Attila is
3 y.o. and he was diagnosed a rare disease called "orbital aspergillosis". It's
a fungus that hides behing the eyes and quickly spreads to invade eyes,
nose and brain. Attila lost his left eye and will soon lose his other eye as well,
but this is not going to be enough to save his life, unless we find a newer,
more effective therapy than the one his vets prescribed... which seemed to be
the best available for the moment. The therapy consists of oral posaconazole
(the drug is called Noxafil and costs about 800 Euros in Europe... we raised
funds thanks to donations from all over Europe to buy it!) but it's not working
very well.

The reason I'm writing, is that we read on this website
(http://www.jaaha.org/cgi/content/abstract/42/4/302) that the only other case of
orbital aspergillosis in a cat was in the USA, a persian cat was successfully
cured in your Country and we are trying to get in touch with the owners of this
cat and/or with the vets who cured him/her. We have no idea where they live
and exactly when their cat got this disease, but considering the drug
"posaconazole" is a quite recent one, we hope they can still be reached.
Maybe they read this board, maybe someone knows them or can help us find
them. We would like to get in touch to compare our experience with theirs, to
understand if their cat went thorough the same pain that Attila is enduring
and knowing that he was saved, maybe we can find a little hope for our dear,
lovely Attila. We really are desperate to find them and to get in touch with
anyone who can give us any help or support in this situation, so if you can
help us please feel free to get in touch at: attilathecat@libero.it
We have sent an email to the researchers who wrote that study, we hope
they'lle get back to us, but any other kind of help is welcome.

If you don't know about this disease but would like to help, please forward
this message to any pet rescue group you know about or to your veterinarian
or to your friends, I know it's a shot in the dark but maybe if this message
circulates we can find someone who can help. We don't want money, we just
want to find a cure to this disease that can save Attila's life and other cats'
lives in the future who might be affected with the same fungus.

Thanks for reading! Marta

ps: this is a link to a video where you can see Attila:
http://picasaweb.google.it/valinattila/Attila/photo#5166504208966313 282
Moki's Friends...
Giving the sick and the disabled feline population a voice