Even overweight, cats instinctively know the cardinal rule: when fat, arrange yourself in slim poses. - John Weitz
About The Photo Album
Do you have a special kitty in your life? Would he or she like to become friends with
Moki? If so, send us a picture of your special someone, along with a brief
description and we will display it here. It's that simple!
Sissy and Bandit Jun 2007 (Pictured above)
Smokey and the Bandit July 2007 (Pictured to the left)
"I'm innocent I swear..." Bandit 2007
Adoptive Fur-Mommy Lucy Jan 2008
Little Kitty, A.K.A. Bunny Cat / Grandma Cat Jun 2007
Giving the sick and the disabled feline population a voice
I would like you all to
meet Cagney. Cagney is
Moki's guardian angel. If
you would like to learn
more about Cagney
please visit his Catster
page at:
This is Rudy. Rudy is
one of Moki's special
friends. Rudy was
diagnosed with upper
eyelid entropion.
Fortunately for Rudy, he
found a very special
home. You can learn
more about Rudy, his
special needs and
everything his pawrents
have done to help this
little guy out by visiting
his website at
Meet Miss Molly. Miss Molly is a CH kitty and another one of Moki's very
special friends! If you would like to learn more about Miss Molly you can visit
her on her YouTube page at http://www.youtube.com/user/amethystmyst